99.9% Nickel particles
Nickel is a silvery-white metal with a slight golden tinge that requires a high degree of polish. It is one of only four elements that are magnetic at or near room temperature, the others being iron, cobalt and gadolinium. It has a Curie temperature of 355°C (671°F), which means that the bulk nickel is non-magnetic above this temperature.

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99.9% Nickel particles
Nickel is a silvery-white metal with a slight golden tinge that requires a high degree of polish. It is one of only four elements that are magnetic at or near room temperature, the others being iron, cobalt and gadolinium. It has a Curie temperature of 355°C (671°F), which means that the bulk nickel is non-magnetic above this temperature.

The cell of nickel is a face-centered cube with lattice parameters of 0.352 nm and atomic radius of 0.124 nm. This crystal structure is stable at pressures of at least 70 GPa. Nickel is a transition metal. It is hard, malleable and malleable, and has relatively high electrical and thermal conductivity to transition metals. The high compressive strength of 34 GPa predicted for ideal crystals has never been obtained in true bulk materials due to dislocation formation and motion; However, it has been achieved in Ni nanoparticles.


Profiles (Survey) :

Brocade is one of the chemical elements, chemical symbol Ni, atomic number 28, magnetic, silver-white transition metal.

Character (Character) :

In nature in the form of nickel silicate or sulfur, stele, brocade compounds. Tough, magnetic and good plasticity, not oxidized in air, soluble in nitric acid,

Physical property:

State of matter: solid (magnetic)

Melting point: 1728 K (1455 C)

Boiling point: 3186 K (2913 C)

Molar volume: 6.59×10-6m3/mol

Heat of vaporization: 370.4 kJ/mol

Heat of melting: 17.47 kJ/mol

Vapor pressure: 237 Pa (1726K)Sound speed: 4970 m/s (293, 15K)

Atomic properties:

Atomic weight :58.6934 A unit of atomic weight

Atomic radius (calculated value) : 135 (149) pm

Covalent radius: 121 pmVan der Waals radius: 163 pm

Valence electron configuration: [hydrogen]3d84s2

Electron arrangement at each energy level: 2,8, 16, 2

Oxidation (oxide) : 1, 2, 3, 4(weak basic)

Crystal structure: face-centered cubic lattice


Nickel chrome 7 weight % % nickel, chromium, nickel chrome 10 weighing 20 weight 30 weight % % nickel, chromium, nickel chromium 40 in 44 weight % % nickel, chromium, nickel chromium 50 weight 60 weight % % chromium, nickel, nickel chromium copper, nickel and chromium iron, nickel chromium, nickel chromium alloy, nickel chromium alloy, nickel chromium alloy, nickel chromium alloy, nickel chromium alloy, nickel chromium alloy, nickel chromium alloy, nickel cadmium, nickel chromium alloying chromium alloying Cadmium, nichcr and NIChcr alloying compounds.

Purity: 99.5%, 99.7%, 99.8%, 99.9%, 99.95%, 99.99%.

Shape: round, flat, tubular, curved, multi-layered tile...

Nie particles
Product NameSize
6- 14mm sulfur-bearing nickel pellets6-14mm
6-14mm nickel pellets6-14mm
Ni (min)99.97%
Density8.902 g/cm3
Boiling Point2732
Contain SulfurNi>99.97%,Co<0.00002%,Cu<0.0001%,C<0.005%,Fe<0.004%,Pb<0.000001%,Zn<0.00002%,S:0.022-0.030
Not Contain SulfurNi>99.97%,Co<0.00002%,Cu<0.0001%,C<0.005%,Fe<0.004%,Pb<0.000001%,Zn<0.00002%
Relative atomic mass58.69
Melting Point1453
Application1.It applys to aerospace, electron, chemical plating and nickel alloy production.
2.It also can be used as the metal catalyst and inorganic chemical material.

Nie particlesNie particles

